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Life Insurance – 4 Factors That Can Skyrocket Your Rates

Trying to find  life insurance that has great coverage with affordable rates can sometime be intimidating and very frustrating.  Because none of us are perfect insurers will often ask a lot of questions, and will need you to submit a medical exam to determine how much of a risk you are to them, which will determine your life insurance rates.Whether it is your first time looking for life insurance or if you are trying to find a more affordable policy then it pays to know what criteria, and details the insurance companies base the rates on. Knowing what the insurance companies are looking for will help you to lower your existing insurance rates, or find the best rate right from the get go.Before purchasing any life insurance it is very important that you determine exactly how much you need and what type of policy would be best for your lifestyle.  When buying insurance you do not want to skimp on the coverage or the length of time the policy is active in order to save some money. This will undoubtedly lead to the policy expiring before you need it, or will not pay out enough to cover your family or loved one’s costs.Factors that Affect Rates:Age and Gender – These are the 2 biggest factors in determining how much you will pay for life insurance.  The younger you are the less of a risk you are for the insurer therefore your rates will be much lower than somebody in their high 40′s or 50′s.  Women also receive much better rates than guys do as they have a longer life expectancy and this means more years of paid premiums before the insurance companies will have to pay out on the policy.Smoking Habits – Smoking also has a very negative impact on your life insurance rates. It is estimated that a 40 year old smoker will pay on average about 3 times as much as a non smoker would for the exact same life insurance policy.  In order to get a lower rate most insurers will require you to stop smoking for 1-5 years before they will consider dropping your rate.Health and Family History – This is obviously another big factor in determining how much you will pay for your insurance premiums.  Again the insurance company is worried about risk and the more unhealthy you are the more of a risk you become.  This includes things like obesity, hereditary conditions, high/low blood pressure, cholesterol and many other issues.Driving Record – Yes believe it or not the life insurance companies do look at your driving record to see what kind of a driver you are. If you are notorious for getting into fender benders, and own a nice collection of speeding tickets then you become a huge risk for the insurance companies and your rates will fly sky high.  Insurers will usually allow one speeding ticket to slide however any more than that and you’ll be paying for your lead foot.

Unsecured Business Loans Nurturing Businesses

Unsecured loans are the ones which are able to solve the problems of the businesses in easier manner. These loans are helping people in doing the work easier and at cheaper rates of interest. Unsecured loans are these days one of the most popular type of loans availed by people in the financial market of UK. These loans are the ones which are helping in solving the problems of the individuals in the best possible manner. These are the loans in which people are able to get the best deal for their businesses.Unsecured loans are helpful in the businesses which are also termed as the unsecured business loans. They are helpful in businesses in various purposes such as in paying of the salaries of the employees, purchasing of raw materials and many more aspects such as short term problems in business terms. It can also be helpful in paying of the debts of the people who are our lenders. The other uses are purchasing of new assets, if one is looking for hot property than one can get apply for it by taking the help of unsecured loans.These loans are quick unsecured loan as they can be availed easily and within lesser time. So in that case one can enjoy dual aspect of these loans. One aspect is easier and cheaper to get and second is use of these in the business. These are low cost loans as there is no assets involve. So in this aspect, money is availed after keeping nothing at stake. This is the best part of these loans, that’s why they are one of the most preferred loans in whole of UK.These loans are available on websites online. One can easily get these loans from various websites selling the loans. These websites are the ones which are solving problems of the people from home itself. These websites providing loans are the ones which have come to the reputation of helping individuals without any problem and without any hassles. One can get the best possible deal for himself just by surfing to various websites from his home and in this way it protects people from going anywhere in search of these loans.

Business Loans With Bad Credit: Not the Only Financing Options Worth Considering

For every business owner, it is a major challenge to get approval on a business loan with bad credit. The economic climate makes life difficult for many small businesses, with lower consumer spending and growing pressure from lenders to maintain existing loan repayment schedules. But there are alternative options.Whether keeping your business afloat or starting a new business, there is finance available from lenders. But while approval is down to the strength of your application and, ultimately, the decision of the lenders, the type of financing sought is down to the applicant. The key choice is between a loan or a line of credit.Of course, when dealing with business loans or other financial packages, there is no such thing as a nominal amount of money. Getting things started or keeping an operation going requires real financial help, so sums of $100,000 and more are needed. But there are options to securing this kind of funds.Getting a Startup LoanResearch is always important when approaching a lending institution with the intention of securing a business loan with bad credit. The principal concern is that, whether going to a major bank or a large private lending firm, the relationship will be long term. So, it is best to get all the facts necessary before deciding on a deal.The main issues that need to be agreed upon are interest rates, repayment schedules, and any additional options that can be activated in the future should the task of repaying the loan become more challenging than expected. It is also worth asking about taking a line of credit instead of a loan to see if their terms are better.When it comes to approving a business loan to finance a new business however, most lenders are very open to the idea. But they will still want to know the personal credit history of the applicant, as well as details of any previous business experience.Choosing a Line of CreditGetting a business loan with bad credit is not always the best option. Certainly, once a loan is approved the pressure to meet the agreed repayment schedule begins. It is not such a comfortable position to be in when starting out, or even developing revenue potential. It is, therefore, worth considering an alternative.Agreeing a business line of credit can work to your advantage better. This is where a bank agrees to a maximum sum but only interest is charged on the actual amount of funds spent by the borrower. If, for example, $100,000 is granted and the borrower spends just $60,000, then interest on that $60,000 is charged. The balance can be accessed whenever necessary.What this means is that interest payments can be kept lower than with a straightforward business loan. This is because no interest is charged on the remaining $40,000 until it is spent, while interest is charged on the full loan amount.Other Key ConsiderationsThere are some other aspects that should be considered before seeking a business loan with bad credit. Not least is the fact that, because of a low credit rating, the interest rate charged on the loan will be high. So, the size of the repayments each month can be quite high too.The alternative option allows for interest repayments to be kept under better control, if the borrower can control spending initially. Therefore, securing a line of credit is a much more cost-effective.For this reason alone, more and more businesses are favoring this option ahead of the all out business loan. However, it is essential that the specifics of both options are discussed in detail before agreeing between one of the other with your lender.

Qualifying for a Poor Credit Business Loan

A poor credit business loan is designed for a business person or persons with a poor credit history.In the life of a business, virtually all come across a time where extra money is needed for business growth, expansion, a new venture, or paying outstanding bills. Businesses owned and operated by an individual or individuals with a poor credit history are of no exception. The fall back on this type of situation is that it is difficult to qualify for a conventional loan if you are an individual or a part of a business partnership with an individual who has poor credit, and are in need of a business loan.Poor credit business loans are designed especially for business people with a poor credit history. Poor credit business loans apply to both new ventures and existing businesses, and offer the business owner or owners the opportunity to turn around their poor credit rating, while also providing much needed financing for the business.Pros of Obtaining a Poor Credit Business Loan1. A poor credit business loan can offer a business person or business persons with poor credit an opportunity to receive a loan when they may otherwise not qualify for a conventional loan.2. Poor credit business loans can offer the business owner or owners the opportunity to improve their business, and ultimately, improve their financial situation, economic standing, and ultimately, their credit ratings.3. Loan terms for poor credit business loans can range from three to 25 years. Longer loan terms can offer the business owner or owners enough time to see the business through a rough financial period, proving their worthiness of the loan, and again, improving credit scores so that future loans can be obtained at a lower interest rate.4. A poor credit business loan offers the business person or persons a chance to improve bad credit history. The poor credit business loan will provide money required to help the business grow and overcome its financial problems, as well as allow the business owner or owners the opportunity to become current on the new loan in order to increase credit scores by continuing to make monthly payments as scheduled.5. An opportunity to have a lower interest rate is available on a poor credit business loan, provided that collateral is available to the lender.6. A poor credit business loan can provide the business with regular access to cash, so that even in the worst financial situation, the business need not sell the entire business or part of the business to another individual or company to raise money.Cons of Obtaining a Poor Credit Business Loan1. The rate of interest on a poor credit business loan varies greatly according to the collateral offered. An unsecured poor credit business loan will have a much higher rate of interest.2. If a poor credit business loan is not paid, it will not only affect the business owner’s or owners’ credit ratings, but also, it will only create even more problems for what was previously a grim financial situation.3. A poor credit business loan will require a very high rate of interest to be paid if the borrower is considered extremely high risk to the lender. Collateral can assist in keeping the interest rate as low as possible.Any business person who has the potential to repay a poor credit business loan and does not have a very severe credit history that includes things such as unpaid collections, repossessions, or serious late payments for a long duration, can qualify for a poor credit business loan. Even individuals who have had the misfortune of a bankruptcy more than ten years ago can qualify for a poor credit business loan. Business owners with poor credit who wish to either start a new venture, or require a poor credit business loan to improve or expand on an existing business, are provided a unique opportunity to help their economic and financial situation turn around and improve.Before applying for a poor credit business loan, however, be sure to have a viable business plan, and prepare a professional loan proposal to show how much money is needed, and how the loan amount would make a difference to the business’ future endeavors. Great care and consideration should be taken to ensure that the business venture, expansion, or improvements will not fail. If the loan appears to be a high risk for your business, examine the situation carefully. An individual or individuals in business should take out a poor credit business loan only if it is completely clear that the poor credit business loan will make the situation better and not worse.

Gambling Addiction

A friend of mine who is a great high school basketball coach once told me “The best you can have happen in a game is to have the other team’s worse shooter make his first shot – very similar to the confidence you feel with a gambling addiction. They will think they are a good shot and keep throwing upshots and missing them. But they keep shooting because they made the first one.” This same attitude got me addicted to gambling. The thought that what happened once, by pure luck, was going to keep happening and I could control it. Instead of walking away and being content with a little good fortune, I stuck around long enough to prove his statement true, not for basketball, but gambling.

I got into gambling which resulted in my gambling addiction the same way people get into it. My friends and I would play cards when we were in high school for a few dollars. The feel of winning, even back then was a rush. That feels better than any drug. Other people may get this feeling through exercise, the runner’s high, or closing a big deal at work. The difference between their feeling and the one I got was the high, or sense of accomplishment. The difference between myself and the friends, I play cards for entertainment and fun. They may have had that same feeling I did, but they didn’t let the feeling overtake their mind and way of life. They, like most people, realized if they won, they were lucky. Sure there is a tactics, but in gambling, it is better to be lucky than good.

I have been gambling, with a gambling addiction, and going to casinos since I was eighteen years old. Back then, you only had to be eighteen to gamble at casinos. Back then I would take the money I got from working around the house or a part-time job and I would head down to the casino on Friday night after school. What I won or lost would dictate how the whole next week would go until I receive payment. If I won, that next week was fun. Most of the times though I am scrambling for extra work for money or borrowing from friends. I wish I could look back and laugh and say man I was just young and stupid. The problem is it got a whole lot worse and the thinking did not change. Feast or famine was the way I lived my life.

Sex, Drugs, Gambling and Chocolate A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions (2nd Edition)

A. Thomas Horvath, Ph.D., is president of Practical Recovery Services, San Diego, California, which offers an alternative to 12-step and disease-oriented addiction treatment. He is president of SMART Recovery, a non-profit network of support groups for individuals abstaining from addictive behavior. From 1999-2000 he served as president of the American Psychological Associations Division on Addictions (Division 50). Author A. Thomas Horvath Studio Impact Publishers, Incorporated Format Book

I gambled throughout my twenties ( not realizing I had a gambling addiction) and early thirties with few major problems. I would win a little here and there, but I never had a big payday. Then two years ago I walked into the casino with forty dollars and walked out with one thousand five hundred. The following ten months were the most self-destructive ten months of my life. The bigger problem was in this time how many people I lied, blamed, and would not listen to. In the end I lost a ridiculous amount of money; but what was worse I lost the trust of everyone in my life. Some have started to forgive me, but others never will. I would not blame them. I still don’t trust myself.

After that first big “payday”, I gambled more in the next ten months than I had ever done before. I would estimate I gambled two hundred and seventy out of the three hundred days that this all took place in. The only reason I took those other thirty days off was I was flat broke – classic gambling addiction.. During this stretch of time, I won much money. The problem was, among many problems, I am never content with what I was lucky enough to win. If I won five hundred, I would lose it trying to win a thousand. I had Friday nights where I would win eight thousand dollars. By Sunday , when I would leave, it was all gone. It didn’t matter how much I would be ahead, in the end, the casinos and I both knew I was walking away down. The last few months I was so bad I would not even get the rush, or high, from winning. I knew I was going to lose it eventually. It stopped becoming fun and a game, it became my life.

I wish I could say the money lose was the worse part of my gambling addiction. But everything else that came with it was far worse. See during this time I borrowed money from friends, relatives, and others promising them I would not use it for gambling. I had no plans of it when I borrowed the money, but in the end, I lost it all. For the past eight months I have been trying to rebuild trust with these people. Some have started to forgive me and take what I say as truth. Others have not and I believe never will. Do I expect them to though? No. I just hope to repair some trust back with them. Another that came from all of this was the outlook that no matter what I did I was going to lose anyway. It is a feeling of I have no control over the events of my life because at some point I would get screwed over. Any contact I had with someone was an analysis of why were they talking or acting the way they were with me. I got bad enough where I even thought family and close friends were trying to “hustle me”, or win one over on me. I thought everyone had an angle. If they were being friendly, there had to be a scrupulous reason. There had to be an anterior motive. It was like I was living my lifelike everything was in the casino.

See in the casinos, the more you win, the more you get. Complimentary drinks, food, and vouchers are the norm when you are winning. Why? Because when you get these, you are going to stay in the casino long enough for them to win their money-back and then some. So when I spent most of my life during this time in the casinos, I just got use to that lifestyle. In the end, I just made everyone upset and put myself in a position where no one would or could trust me or want to help me.

Gambling addiction is something I will live with for the rest of my life. It is not something you can just one day say I am cured, because it is a conditioning you live with forever. To stop myself from continuing this path of destruction, I have had to take steps that I didn’t want to take, but if I didn’t I would either be dead or in jail. This is the part that is sad; it took others to take control to make me take some of these steps. It is because of family and friends that I am starting on the road to get my problem under control. They sometimes had to do what they knew would upset me. At times I would not understand, but in the end would be better for me. That is what it takes to help someone out with a problem such as this. When you are the person with the problem, you either don’t see you have a problem, or in my case, realize there is a problem but are not strong enough to fix it without help from others. There are much people who I got mad at and thought they were not on my side. But in the end, the only one I can blame for this was me. Gambling addiction is something people never are over, but with family, friends, support groups, literature, and most of all, a willingness to get help, they can have a life where there is some stability.

Top Gambling Payouts Found Here

How many times have you seen that one? You know, the bright flashy sign or logo claiming that the casino has the top gambling payouts. It may look all fine and dandy, but how do you know they are the top gambling payouts? You must fully educate yourself on how gambling payouts work in order to determine weather they indeed are the best ones available.

There are a lot of inexperienced gamblers mixed amongst the professionals. Just because you had a few good runs here and there doesn’t make you a gambling expert. I am quite sure you are aware of that. But there are ways for you to become better at gambling, and they aren’t all that difficult. It all begins with knowledge and education. Yes, who would ever think education has a big role in the world of online gambling?

If you patiences, determination, and a will to learn, you are already off to a good start. Read up on how gambling payouts work in general. Most casinos have their one set of rules and regulations that are put into place. Understanding these terms and conditions are essential before playing at the casino. You have to think with some sense of practicality if you want to fully understand the full spectrum of a gambling payout. Understanding payout percentages will help you find what casinos work best for you.

In general, payout percentages at casinos are formed by comparing the amount of winnings against actual amounts wagered, for all games. The terms are thrown around quite loosely at all these casinos, and they are usually just a way to attract players. The higher the payout rate the better. The payout percentage rates are known to fluctuate, and will change quite often actually. Just remember, not every payout percentage rate is the actual rate. This number should be correct, but who’s to say that it isn’t falsely advertised?

When you see a casino advertising that the top gambling payouts are found there, just remember that you shouldn’t dump all your money in that one casino. It’s similar to seeing a restaurant advertising “the best ribs in town”. Just because the restaurant claims their ribs are the best doesn’t really mean they are.

Always remember to think clearly when gambling online. Any type of online gambling can result in a significant loss of money if you aren’t careful. You should always treat your gambling experiences as pure entertainment. Gambling can be an incredible amount of fun if played responsibly. And you don’t have to believe that every casino has the top gambling payouts which will earn you the most amount of money.

The Best Gambling Guide Period – Reviews

Here lies the best gambling guide period. What separates this from the rest one that generates more wins than losses. If you want a good chance of winning the bets you place then you’ve come t the right place.

Why Do We Gamble?

The initial object of gambling in the first place is to win. Of course with gambling you will have losses as well but if you win the majority of your bets and hardly lose then why not keep gambling. People lose money all the time, but do you want to be in their shoes? No way, I know I don’t like losing when I gamble. So what makes this the best gambling guide period? You’re about to find out.

What separates a good gambler from a bad one is that the good gambler has a winning strategy. The bad gambler simply relies on luck. The way to win and see a profit at gambling is to play it smart. Find out what works and stick to it.

Where Do You Gamble?

There Are plenty of things to gamble on. From Casinos to Sports Betting to Horse Racing, these are just a few big markets in which people can make a huge profit in. The plan is to find a working strategy which gets you to win at least 70% of your bets. If you can develop one on your own then you’re a lucky person not to mention very smart. Still not convinced that this is the best gambling guide period, read on.


Finding a winning strategy isn’t that hard to find if you know where to look. But if you find one that gets you to win at least 70% of the bets you place then I say jump on it. That’s a strategy that’s hard to find. If you invest in something you want it to be worth the gamble. you want to see profit, I know I do.

The key to winning at gambling is to find a good strategy, the reason that this is the best gambling guide period. Knowing how to gamble is one thing, Seeing profit is another. You want to see profit and start to see you gambling payoff.

Social Media Marketing And SEO

The digital world is an increasingly crowded but mandatory field that businesses owners must play in. As a Tampa business in today’s world it is now not enough to just have a website and Tampa social media marketing strategy, you also must employ a comprehensive search engine optimization plan. For this reason, the smart option is to work with a company, like Webhead Interactive that does both.

Webhead social media strategies are designed in a way to complement their SEO work. This way each end of the marketing spectrum maximizes the work of the other. The result? More traffic to your site and more customers to your business. Tampa social media is a very crowded field. Most businesses are active on one or more of the popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, even Pinterest and Instagram. For this reason it is important that your business not just be active in your Tampa social media marketing, but also be found through comprehensive SEO efforts.

Webhead Interactive, known as not only a top rated Tampa SEO company, but also the premier Tampa social media marketing agency, has the experience and expertise necessary to help businesses reach their market audience through a fully integrated and optimized social media management strategy. They work on multiple levels to be able to not only help your customers find you, but also interact with you through your social media channels. Since Webhead social media doesn’t just focus on one aspect of your digital marketing, but instead takes a 360 approach, they far surpass the impact of other social media companies in Tampa. Quicker, more powerful results and a proven track record of success.

As the leading full-service Tampa social media agency, Webhead Interactive will help you identify how your business and brand can benefit from an optimized social media presence. An example of some of the services they offer and might recommend include; custom Twitter, Google+ and YouTube backgrounds to help you promote your brand, Facebook timeline design and implementation to increase visitor click-through rates, Pinterest set-up and board strategy, content distribution and sharing strategy to maximize exposure and much more. They will also help you with your digital and social media promotional advertising strategy to further encourage engagement and fan development.

In order to make sure your Tampa business is found by the customers that are looking for you the best strategy is to maximize your online exposure by using both social media marketing and SEO as part of your communications strategy. By choosing a company like Webhead Interactive and Webhead social media, you know you are working with a team that understand and excels at both. The author has an immense knowledge on Tampa social media marketing. Know more about Webhead social media, Tampa social media marketing related info in his website.

Paton Marketing: Quality Solutions for Effective Internet Marketing

Paton Marketing is an Internet Marketing Company Miami that has helped many clients generate great revenues through various online marketing techniques and procedures. Paton Marketing offers services like Search Engine Optimization, Website Development, Pay per Click Management, Reputation Management, and Social Media Marketing. We provide all the services you need at affordable rates.

Our online marketing strategy constantly thrives to get desired results for the clients. Our SEO campaigns cover all critical and diverse factors ranging from on-page, back link, content to website design. All SEO aspects are covered with the simplified three phase approach of Plan, Optimize and Track to strategize, execute and report SEO campaigns.

Miami Marketing Agency uses expert knowledge in a range of marketing services to help bring our clients’ websites to unprecedented levels of success. Through effective online marketing strategies and our expert SEO services, we can help turn your website in to your business’ most powerful lead generator. Google, like many other search engine ranks pages based on certain criteria. To start with, the quality of your site matters a lot.

We also specialize in Web Development and Web Design. Paton Marketing provides our clients with a strategically-developed premium custom website. A great website will go a long way in getting your business noticed online. It also delivers a high-quality user experience. We keep your website up to date regularly.

Internet marketing is much more than site creation. It requires precise marketing techniques and tools across the board. Without our professional assistance, your website will simply fail to generate essential web traffic. Web marketing also entails weekly progress reports. This includes web traffic, along with the number of hits your site secures on a weekly basis.

Miami Marketing Agency also specializes in Reputation Management. Reputation Management is one of most important factor in web marketing. Negative content can terribly affect your business. Paton Marketing Reputation Management strategies can protect your online reputation by suppressing negative content on the search results. We create positive and multiple micro-sites ensuring that the negative links are pushed further out of search results.

If you are struggling with web traffic issues, our dedicated marketing team can help you within time and budget. Simply contact us today.

Best computer science papers online

Computer science papers are part of the diverse types of assignments that students will encounter in their academic endeavor. Student undertaking engineering and computer science course will write computer science papers before they complete their course. It is important that student familiarize themselves with the right skills needed to complete such papers. The first vital skill in writing any academic paper is practice. Student should practice how to write different computer science papers. Some of the academic papers that students may encounter include computer essays, term papers, research papers, thesis and dissertation. It is vital for the student to practice the writing process depending on his academic level. Unfortunately, not all students have the ideal skills to complete an academic paper. Some students may have the right ideas regarding the completion of the paper, but they lack the skills to out the ideas into a sensible computer science paper. Such students risk failure if they persist to present poorly written papers.

Computer science papers services gives students a chance to complete their assignment in a way that guarantees excellent scores. The affordability of the computer science writings that we write makes us an ideal choice for students. We have affordable rates that suit students of varied financial statuses. The low pricing of the service is attributed to the desire of the company to serve all students. We have retained a standard fee throughout the years. We rarely hike the prices of computer science papers. The quality of the computer science papers also makes the company the ideal choice for many students. We have excellent writers who are dedicated to serving all students. The writers are well trained and certified. This means that we engage the service of professionals in the completion of the writing. We also operate 24/7 ensuring that the company does not experience any backlog in terms of completion of computer science papers.

The 24/7 operations also ensure that we are capable of handling urgent papers. Sometimes a client may place computer science papers that are very urgent. In such scenarios, we ensure that the client finds a reliable service provider who will ensure that the urgent computer science papers are completed. The company remains open throughout the year regardless of the holiday in question. The timely delivery of completed computer science papers makes the company an ideal choice for many students. We are known to deliver completed papers on time. This is attributed to many factors. We, for instance, have a dedicated team of writers who work tirelessly to ensure there is no backlog of computer science papers. We also have a first-come-first served strategy in which writers work on computer science papers that student sent first. The earlier the client sends a writing request, the sooner he shall receive a completed paper.

Originality is also emphasized with all computer science papers written from scratch. We also ensure that we scan all completed paper through a plagiarism checker to determine authenticity.

Clients who require a plagiarism report can request for one from the customer service. The
customer care service is also available 24/7 to assist all students with their enquiries. Scanning of completed papers is guaranteeing that students receive papers with 0% level of plagiarism.

We also offer editing service at a reasonably low price. Try the computer science papers services today.